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Contains aggregated information about delivery statuses of a message across all participants of a conversation.

At any moment during the message delivery to a participant, the message can have zero or more of the following delivery statuses:

  • Message is considered as sent to a participant if the nearest upstream carrier accepted the message.
  • Message is considered as delivered to a participant if Twilio has received confirmation of message delivery from the upstream carrier, and, where available, the destination handset.
  • Message considered as undelivered to a participant if Twilio has received a delivery receipt indicating that the message was not delivered. This can happen for many reasons including carrier content filtering and the availability of the destination handset.
  • Message considered as read by a participant if the message has been delivered and opened by the recipient in a conversation. The recipient must have enabled the read receipts.
  • Message considered as failed to be delivered to a participant if the message could not be sent. This can happen for various reasons including queue overflows, account suspensions and media errors (in the case of MMS for instance).

AggregatedDeliveryReceipt class contains an aggregated value DeliveryAmount for each delivery status.


  • AggregatedDeliveryReceipt




  • Message is considered as delivered to a participant if Twilio has received confirmation of message delivery from the upstream carrier, and, where available, the destination handset.

    Returns DeliveryAmount

    Amount of participants that have the delivered delivery status for the message.


  • Message is considered as failed to be delivered to a participant if the message could not be sent. This can happen for various reasons including queue overflows, account suspensions and media errors (in the case of MMS for instance). Twilio does not charge you for failed messages.

    Returns DeliveryAmount

    Amount of participants that have the failed delivery status for the message.


  • Message is considered as read by a participant, if the message has been delivered and opened by the recipient in a conversation. The recipient must have enabled the read receipts.

    Returns DeliveryAmount

    Amount of participants that have the read delivery status for the message.


  • Message is considered as sent to a participant if the nearest upstream carrier accepted the message.

    Returns DeliveryAmount

    Amount of participants that have the sent delivery status for the message.


  • get total(): number
  • Maximum number of delivery events expected for the message.

    Returns number


  • Message is considered as undelivered to a participant if Twilio has received a delivery receipt indicating that the message was not delivered. This can happen for many reasons including carrier content filtering and the availability of the destination handset.

    Returns DeliveryAmount

    Ammount of participants that have the undelivered delivery status for the message.